My dog Bonnie is a bitch that loves riding shotgun, and on days when her paws are muddy and there isn’t a towel handy, floor mats placed over leather seats can be a real godsend. Such improvising on the fly may be a thing of the past for Jaguar owners, though, as the British automaker has announced a range of all-new pet products for finicky Fidos. The accessories were designed specifically for the E-, F-, and I-Pace crossovers and the XF Sportbrake wagon.
The options include a spill-resistant water bowl, a foldable carrier, and a rear-access ramp that can help ease access for big, old hounds that weigh up to 187 pounds. There’s also a tony quilted luggage compartment liner and a portable shower. The shower would probably also come in handy for cleaning outdoor gear like boots, bikes, and surfboards.
Like its vehicles, Jaguar’s pet products don’t come cheap. They’re available in four packages that range from $338 for a rear-seat protection liner up to $1,302 for the whole shebang. Got a messy mutt and don’t drive an SUV or wagon? You’re in luck; Jaguar’s rear-seat protector will work in the XE and XF sedans (and likely any other automaker’s vehicles, for that matter).
We’d imagine most of these items will be purchased with a new vehicle rather than ordered afterward—after all, there are plenty of aftermarket solutions available online or at pet stores—but making canine-carrying comfort as easy as checking an option box makes sense. New owners are no doubt going to be excited to keep the dog drool and muddy paws at bay in their brand-new E-, F-, or I-Pace. Think of the increased resale value and reduced chances for damage, and you can thank us later when your leash, er, lease is up.
Source: Jaguar
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